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This variable is used to format and use dates.


Initial value can, other than a parseable datetime string, be now. Each time the variable is accessed the value will represent that date and time at the time of access.


  • format str - a python strftime format string, this argument is required
  • timezone str (optional) - a valid timezone name
  • offset str (optional) - a time span string describing the offset, Y = years, M = months, D = days, h = hours, m = minutes, s = seconds, e.g. 1Y-2M10D


And value for variable "AtomicDate.arrival" is "now | format='%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.000Z', timezone=UTC"

This can then be used in a template:

    "arrival": "{{ AtomicDate.arrival }}",
    "location": "Port of Shanghai"


def atomicdate__base_type__(value: str) -> str


Validate values that AtomicDate can be initialized with.