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Put files to Azure IoT hub.

Request methods

Supports the following request methods:

  • send
  • put


Format of host is the following:

HostName=<hostname>;DeviceId=<device key>;SharedAccessKey=<access key>

endpoint in the request is the desired filename for the uploaded file.

The metadata values content_type and content_encoding can be set to gzip compress the payload before upload (see example below).


Example of how to use it in a scenario:

Given a user of type "IotHub" load testing "HostName=my_iot_host_name;DeviceId=my_device;SharedAccessKey=xxxyyyyzzz=="
Then send request "test/blob.file" to endpoint "uploaded_blob_filename"

The same example with gzip compression enabled:

Given a user of type "IotHub" load testing "HostName=my_iot_host_name;DeviceId=my_device;SharedAccessKey=xxxyyyyzzz=="
And metadata "content_type" is "application/octet-stream; charset=utf-8"
And metadata "content_encoding" is "gzip"
Then send request "test/blob.file" to endpoint "uploaded_blob_filename"