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This module contains step implementations for the Until task.

Then request with name endpoint until

Then {method:Method} request with name "{name}" from endpoint "{endpoint}" until "{condition}"


Create an instance of the Until task, see task documentation for more information.


Then get request with name "test-get" from endpoint "/api/test | content_type=json" until "$.`this`[?success==true]"
Then receive request with name "test-receive" from endpoint "queue:receive-queue | content_type=xml" until "/header/success[. == 'True']"


  • method Method - type of "from" request
  • name str - name of the requests in logs, can contain variables
  • direction RequestDirection - one of to or from depending on the value of method
  • endpoint str - URI relative to host in the scenario, can contain variables and in certain cases user_class_name specific parameters
  • condition str - JSON or XPath expression for specific value in response payload

Then client get endpoint until

Then get "{endpoint}" with name "{name}" until "{condition}"


Create an instance of a Clients task, actual implementation of the task is determined based on the URL scheme specified in endpoint.

Gets information, repeated from another host or endpoint than the scenario is load testing until the response matches expression.

See Clients task documentation for more information about client tasks.


Then get "" with name "example-1" until "$.response[status='Success']
Then get "http://{{ endpoint }}" with name "example-2" until "//*[@status='Success']"


  • endpoint str - information about where to get information, see the specific getter task implementations for more information
  • name str - name of the request, used in request statistics
  • condition str - JSON or XPath expression for specific value in response payload