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Directory Contents

This variable provides a list of files in the specified directory.


Relative path of a directory under requests/.


  • repeat bool (optional) - wether values should be reused, e.g. when reaching the end it should start from the beginning again (default: False)
  • random bool (optional) - if files should be selected by random, instead of sequential from first to last (default: False)


With the following directory structure:

└── requests
    └── files
        ├── file1.bin
        ├── file2.bin
        ├── file3.bin
        ├── file4.bin
        └── file5.bin
And value for variable "AtomicDirectoryContents.files" is "files/ | repeat=True, random=False"
And put request "{{ AtomicDirectoryContents.files }}" with name "put-file" to endpoint "/tmp"

First request will provide file1.bin, second file2.bin etc.


def atomicdirectorycontents__base_type__(value: str) -> str


Validate values that AtomicDirectoryContents can be initialized with.