Wait Between
This module contains step implementations for the Wait Between task.
Given wait between random
Given wait "{min_time}..{max_time}" seconds between tasks
Create an instance of the Wait Between task.
Set number of, randomly, seconds the Load User will wait between executing each task.
See Wait Between task documentation for more information.
And value of variable "delay_time" is "1.3"
And wait "1.4..1.7" seconds between tasks
# wait between 1.4 and 1.7 seconds
Then get request with name "test-get-1" from endpoint "..."
# wait between 1.4 and 1.7 seconds
Then get request with name "test-get-2" from endpoint "..."
# wait between 1.4 and 1.7 seconds
And wait "0.1" seconds between tasks
# wait 0.1 seconds
Then get request with name "test-get-3" from endpoint "..."
# wait 0.1 seconds
And wait "{{ delay_time }}" seconds between tasks
# wait 1.3 seconds
Given wait between constant
Given wait "{time}" seconds between tasks
Create an instance of the Wait Between task.
Set number of, constant, seconds the Load User will wait between executing each task.
See Wait Between task documentation for more information.
And value of variable "delay_time" is "1.3"
And wait "1.4" seconds between tasks
# wait 1.4 seconds
Then get request with name "test-get-1" from endpoint "..."
# wait 1.4 seconds
Then get request with name "test-get-2" from endpoint "..."
# wait 1.4 seconds
And wait "0.1" seconds between tasks
# wait 0.1 seconds
Then get request with name "test-get-3" from endpoint "..."
# wait 0.1 seconds
And wait "{{ delay_time }}" seconds between tasks
# wait 1.3 seconds