This module contains step implementations for the Transformer task.
Then transform
Then parse "{content}" as "{content_type:ContentType}" and save value of "{expression}" in variable "{variable}"
Create an instance of the Transformer task.
Transforms the specified content
with content_type
to an object that an transformer can extract information from
with the specified expression
See Transformer task documentation for more information about the task.
And value for variable "document_id" is "None"
And value for variable "document_title" is "None"
And value for variable "document" is "{"document": {"id": "DOCUMENT_8843-1", "title": "TPM Report 2021"}}"
Then parse "{{ document }}" as "json" and save value of "$" in variable "document_id"
Then parse "{{ document }}" as "json" and save value of "$.document.title" in variable "document_title"
str - contents to parse, supports Templating or a static stringcontent_type
TransformerContentType - MIME type ofcontents
str - JSON or XPath expression for specific value incontents
str - name of variable to save value to, must have been initialized