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Send and receive messages on Azure Service Bus queues and topics.


If message.wait is not set, azure.servicebus will wait until there is a message available, and hence block the scenario.


Do not use expression to filter messages unless you do not care about the messages that does not match the expression. If you do care about them, you should setup a subscription to do the filtering in Azure.

User is based on azure.servicebus for communicating with Azure Service Bus. But creating a connection and session towards a queue or a topic is a costly operation, and caching of the session was causing problems with gevent due to the sockets blocking and hence grizzly was blocking when finished. To get around this, the user implementation communicates with a stand-alone process via zmq, which in turn communicates with Azure Service Bus.

async-messaged starts automagically when a scenario uses the ServiceBusUser.

Request methods

Supports the following request methods:

  • send
  • receive


Format of host is the following, when using connection strings:

[Endpoint=]sb://<hostname>/;SharedAccessKeyName=<shared key name>;SharedAccessKey=<shared key>

When using credentials context variables auth.tenant, auth.user.username and auth.user.password has to be set, and the format of host should be:

sb://<qualified namespace>[]

endpoint in the request must have the prefix queue: or topic: followed by the name of the targeted type. When receiving messages from a topic, the argument subscription: is mandatory. The format of endpoint is:

[queue|topic]:<endpoint name>[, subscription:<subscription name>][, expression:<expression>]

Where <expression> can be a XPath or jsonpath expression, depending on the specified content type. This argument is only allowed when receiving messages. See example below.


Example of how to use it in a scenario:

Given a user of type "ServiceBus" load testing "sb://;SharedAccessKeyName=authorization-key;SharedAccessKey=c2VjcmV0LXN0dWZm"
And set context variable "message.wait" to "5"
Then send request "queue-send" to endpoint "queue:shared-queue"
Then send request "topic-send" to endpoint "topic:shared-topic"
Then receive request "queue-recv" from endpoint "queue:shared-queue"
Then receive request "topic-recv" from endpoint "topic:shared-topic, subscription:my-subscription"

Get message with expression

When specifying an expression, the messages on the endpoint is first peeked on. If any message matches the expression, it is later consumed from the endpoint. If no matching messages was found when peeking, it is repeated again after a slight delay, up until the specified message.wait seconds has elapsed. To use expressions, a content type must be specified for the request, e.g. application/xml.

Given a user of type "ServiceBus" load testing "sb://my-sbns"
And set context variable "message.wait" to "5"
And set context variable "auth.tenant" to ""
And set context variable "auth.user.username" to ""
And set context variable "auth.user.password" to "secret"
Then receive request "queue-recv" from endpoint "queue:shared-queue, expression:$.document[?('TPM report')].id"
And set response content type to "application/json"
Then receive request "topic-recv" from endpoint "topic:shared-topic, subscription:my-subscription, expression:/documents/document[@name='TPM Report']/id/text()"
And set response content type to "application/xml"