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Put files to Azure Blob Storage.

Request methods

Supports the following request methods:

  • send
  • put
  • receive
  • put


Format of host is the following, when using connection strings:

[DefaultEndpointsProtocol=]https;EndpointSuffix=<hostname>;AccountName=<account name>;AccountKey=<account key>

When using credentials context variables auth.tenant, auth.user.username and auth.user.passwords has to be set, and the format host should be:

bs://<storage account name>[]

endpoint in the request is the name of the blob storage container. Name of the targeted file in the container is either name or based on the file name of source.


Example of how to use it in a scenario, with connection string:

Given a user of type "BlobStorage" load testing "DefaultEndpointsProtocol=https;;AccountName=examplestorage;AccountKey=xxxyyyyzzz=="
Then send request "test/blob.file" to endpoint "azure-blobstorage-container-name"

Example of how to use it, with credentials:

Given a user of type "BlobStorage" load testing "bs://examplestorage"
And set context variable "auth.tenant" to ""
And set context variable "auth.user.username" to ""
And set context variable "auth.user.password" to "secret"
Then send request "test/blob.file" to endpoint "azure-blobstorage-container-name"